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    注册:Monday, January 24, 2005
给凌波微步发送一个短消息 把凌波微步加入好友 查看凌波微步的个人资料 搜索凌波微步在的所有贴子 点击这里发送电邮给凌波微步 引用回复这个贴子 回复这个贴子 楼主
发贴心情 You are the sunshine of my life
You are the sunshine of my life
That's why I'll always be around,
You are the apple of my eye,
Forever you'll stay in my heart

I feel like this is the beginning,
Though I've loved you for a million years,
And if I thought our love was ending,
I'd find myself drowning in my own tears.

You are the sunshine of my life,
That's why I'll always stay around,
You are the apple of my eye,
Forever you'll stay in my heart,

You must have known that I was lonely,
Because you came to my rescue,
And I know that this must be heaven,
How could so much love be inside of you?

You are the sunshine of my life, yeah,
That's why I'll always stay around,
You are the apple of my eye,
Forever you'll stay in my heart.

(Background) Love has joined us,
Love has joined us,
Let's think sweet love.



[此贴子已经被作者于2005-6-2 10:38:10编辑过]

发贴IP已设置保密 6/2/2005 10:28:45 AM

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